Confirmation for Teens
Teens need to be in 8th grade or older
Teen Confirmation Classes meet about twice a month for two hours.
Our first class will be on September 15, 2024
Teens also needing Baptism or First Holy Communion are also welcome.
Our confirmation program is a two year process. In order to begin, a teen must be in eighth grade or older. In the first year the teens study the foundations of the Catholic Faith. The second year they focus on living that faith, understanding God's will for them individually, and growing in their prayer life.
We can no longer accept late registrations. It is simply too much work to ask teens to catch up, and teachers to help them. It is an unkindness. We invite you to register with us next year. If you would like a reminder when we open registration up in August, please email

More Information about our Confirmation Classes for Teenagers
If a confirmation candidate is baptized at a different parish, you will need to bring in a copy of their baptism certificate before they can receive their confirmation.
Candidates are required to go to confession during Advent and Lent for both years.
The Archbishop requires that all teens take two years of classes. The first year they study the Catholic faith in order to master the fundamentals. The second year, they work on their prayer life and actually living as disciples of Christ.
Each candidate must choose a Saint to be confirmed in. This is an act of entrusting yourself to that Saint's intercession for you. Consider praying, researching, and looking up the Saint who has a feast day on your birthday to help you choose.
All confirmation candidates are required to go to mass every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation. They are also required to keep the precepts of the Church. Making sure this happens is the responsibility of the parents.
Each candidate must have a sponsor. This sponsor must have a signed affidavit from their parish saying they meet the requirements. The sponsor must be 16 or older, baptized, confirmed, and go to mass on Sundays and other holy days. They must be married in the Catholic Church, or single and not living with a boyfriend/girlfriend outside marriage, They must agree to be a spiritual support for you.
All teens are required to do some act of community service. There will be emails and notifications of opportunities for you at the parish. Pick one and come volunteer! If you choose to volunteer outside the church, please bring a signed note stating what you did. That still counts! There is no set time limit, simply make it meaningful.
The Archbishop requires every teen to attend a retreat. Our retreat is the Saturday before the confirmation mass. It is all day, and ends with mass. Please plan accordingly.
All Confirmation Candidates will have to write a letter stating why they want to be confirmed. We will write these in class.
Dress Attire for the Confirmation Mass
The mass is formal out of respect for the great gifts God is bestowing on us, and our gratitude for his generosity. The men should wear slacks, and a button up shirt. They are not required to wear ties, vests, or coats, but they can if they want. Women are encouraged to wear dresses or a skirt and blouse, but nice formal pants suits/outfits will work as well. However, please make sure that skirts are not too short, knee length would be appropriate, but not higher. Watch especially how high the skirt rides up when seated and choose modestly. They should also have their shoulders covered, so adding a cardigan or choosing a dress with sleeves is best. There is no specific color requirement and we would far prefer them to be dressed modestly and appropriately to anything else. Yet, some people choose to dress in red or white. Red is the liturgical color and therefore the color of the clergy’s vestments. It represents the Holy Spirit, and can be a powerful symbol but again it’s not a requirement. White is often a chosen color for those receiving sacraments because it symbolizes purity, and because it is essential in baptism and confirmation strengthens, intensifies, and deepens the baptismal graces. Again, however, the choice of color is up to you. There are no official shoe requirements. Whatever works best with the outfit is fine. Just be mindful that they should be fairly comfortable as there can be a good amount of standing/walking around. Plus, we will be walking from the school to the church and that turns into a torturous walk if your high heels are painful.