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Saint Anne Parish

Saint Anne Parish

Short message from Fr. Lawrence R. Brito

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14th Sunday in Ordinary Time


     I read a story, some time back, about a woman who was staying in one of those fancy five star hotels in New York city. While the woman was trying to get to sleep she was bother by the noise coming from the room next door. All night long she heard the noise and got very little sleep. In the morning, very upset and tired she went and complained to the hotel manager about her unpleasant experience. He informed the woman that the man in the room next to her was a famous concert pianist and that he must have been practicing for his upcoming concert. It was concert that people paid a lots of money to attend and tickets were hard to come by. He offers the woman a change of rooms. But she refused. The next night, when the woman heard the same noise coming from the room next door, she was no longer offended by it, but actually enjoyed the sound. The music was the same, but her attitude had changed and now her experience was pleasant.

     In today's gospel Jesus' own people cannot stand to hear this message because they have a bad attitude. Their bad attitudes prevent God's grace from working miracles on his people.

In last week's Gospel we meet a woman who had suffered from an illness for many years and her faith in Jesus is rewarded with her healing. In today's Gospel Jesus does not find faith in his community and therefore is not capable of performing Miracles.

    It all comes down to having the right attitude in life. Those who have the right attitude will be able to hear the music over the noise; they will be able to find healing in the face of suffering.


St. Anne Parish, 511 Alicia St. , Santa Fe, NM  87501   |  Tel: 505-983-4430

 Parish Office Hours: Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m.- 12 p.m.​​ & 1 - 4 p.m. Fri. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.


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